2:03 min

CoBrowsing: Guide Your Visitors Online

2:03 min

CoBrowsing: Guide Your Visitors Online

Collaborative browsing, also known as CoBrowsing or agent-led browsing, enables customer service representatives to jointly navigate online properties with visitors to establish a common point of view and interactively guide them past sticking points. It literally puts operators and customers on the same page.

Benefits of CoBrowsing include:

  • Increasing online conversions
  • Improving next issue avoidance or first call resolution rates
  • Exceeding customer expectations

Request a personalized demonstration of CoBrowsing with chat, voice, video, AI and more today. You can see for yourself how Glia is reinventing how businesses support customers online.

What Jim is Reading and Listening To Right Now
Ultimate Guide to CoBrowsing
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Amazon Echo

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